
28. Postdoc. Muhammad Bilal Khan, Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov
Data: 12 iulie 2024, la ora 12:00, în sala PI9, Corpul P

Titlul prezentării: On q-Fractional Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Sets and their Applications

ABSTRACT. Green supply chain management concerns the incorporation of globally sustainable methods into supply chain management techniques. The major goal is to decrease the environmental impact of the entire supply chain to increase the social, ecological, and economic relationships with other countries for business. Basically, the paper includes three main parts for the achievement of appropriate and accurate measures to address the situation of emergency decision-making. First, we propose a novel generalization of Pythagorean fuzzy set, q-rung orthopair fuzzy set and linear Diophantine fuzzy set and q-linear Diophantine fuzzy set, called q-fractional linear Diophantine fuzzy set and also discussed their important properties. In addition, aggregation operators play an effective role in aggregating uncertainty in decision-making problems. Therefore, algebraic norms based on certain operating laws for q-fractional linear Diophantine fuzzy sets are established. In the second part of the paper, we propose series of averaging and geometric aggregation operators based on defined operating laws under q-fractional linear Diophantine fuzzy set. Some flexible properties for the invented operators are also discussed. Additionally, we develop the multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) method to evaluate the problem of green supply chain management based on the invented operators for q-fractional linear Diophantine fuzzy information. Finally, we use some numerical examples to show the supremacy and validity of the developed techniques by comparing their ranking results with the obtaining ranking results of the existing techniques.
 27. Prof.dr. Enrique de Amo Artero, Universitatea din Almeria, Spania
Data: 29 mai 2024, la ora 13:00, în sala de conferinte din L2 de la ICDT
Titlul prezentării: A first approach to Copula
ABSTRACT. Copulas relate a multivariate distribution function to its marginals. They were introduced by Abe Sklar from the problem posed by Maurice Frechet in the middle of the 20th century.
They gained definitive interest with their applications in areas such as Finance or Hydrology. In these sessions we will introduce the definition from an analytical point of view and study paradigmatic
examples. We will also present Sklar's theorem, the cornerstone of this theory.
26. Prof. dr. Audrius Lopata, Kaunas University of Tehnologies, Lituania

Data: 2 aprilie 2024, la ora 12:00, sala UI7, Aula Universității

Titlul prezentării: Towards Knowledge Based Information Systems Engineering

ABSTRACT. The presentation will deal with one of the branches of the Software Development Life Cycle - "Knowledge Based Information Systems Engineering". The essence of this direction, development trends, practical benefits and experience in project activities, as well as certain ways to develop joint activities, projects and scientific publications, will be presented and discussed.
25. Prof. dr. Maksim Iavich, CEO and President at Scientific Cyber Security Association (SCSA), Caucasus University,Tbilisi, Georgia

Data: 2 aprilie 2024, la ora 11:00, sala UI7, Aula Universității

Titlul prezentării: Security of digital signatures in the post-quantum epoch

ABSTRACT. I will delve into the pressing challenges posed by the rise of quantum computing to classical digital signatures, with a particular focus on RSA. Shor's algorithm threatens the security of traditional public-key cryptography by efficiently factoring large numbers. In response to this threat, the presentation explores post-quantum digital signature schemes anchored in hashing techniques, renowned for their resilience to quantum attacks. A central aspect of this exploration is the introduction and utilization of the Verkle Tree, an innovative data structure, in the development of electronic signatures. Not only does the Verkle Tree enhance security, but it also boosts efficiency in the post-quantum landscape, providing a practical defense against quantum threats. Moreover, I will talk about post-quantum design concepts that leverage the Verkle Tree, offering insights into its integration into broader cryptographic protocols.

24. Assoc. Prof.,  Ilona Veitaite, Vilnius University, Lituania

Data: 2 aprilie 2024, la ora 10:00, sala UI7, Aula Universității

Titlul prezentării: Presentation of the project "Enterprise Financial Performance Data Analysis Tools Platform" - Results and Discussion.

ABSTRACT. Overview and presentation of the projects of the research group "Intelligent Systems Algorithms Development, Research and Applications for Modelling of Financial Markets, E-business, Management and Marketing Systems". The presented results are part of deliverables concerning the research project “Enterprise Financial Performance Data Analysis Tools Platform (AIFA)”. The research project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund according to the 2014–2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds’ Investments under “Smart FDI”.
23. Dr. Sanjay Mandal, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Transilvania University, of Brasov, Romania

Data: 27 martie 2024, la ora 12:00, sala PI9, corpul P

Titlul prezentării: Cosmological observational constraints on the power law f(Q) type modified gravity theory

ABSTRACT. In this talk, I will discuss an alternative mathematical framework for advancing our understanding of dark energy beyond the confines of standard General Relativity (GR), within the realm of f(Q) modified gravity theory. The discussion commences with a succinct overview of the dark energy enigma, followed by an examination of the fundamental elements that provide opportunities for modifying or extending GR to address current challenges. To comprehensively grasp the accelerated expansion phenomenon of the universe, we will delve into a power-law type f(Q) cosmological model. After that, this model will confront observational datasets through statistical analysis, contrasting it with the ΛCDM model. Additionally, a detailed comparison between the predictions of the power-law model and the ΛCDM model through various cosmological applications will be presented. Later on, I will conclude the findings by demonstrating how the f(Q) model remains capable of elucidating current observational results related to cosmological parameters, providing a compelling and coherent explanation for the accelerating expansion of the Universe, albeit with distinctions from the ΛCDM paradigm. We will finish off by discussing some future perspectives.

22. Prof. dr. Alexandru MIHAIL, de la Universitatea București
Data: 14 martie 2024, la ora 13:00, sala de conferinte din L2 de la ICDT
Titlul prezentării: Diameter diminishing to zero IFSs
ABSTRACT. We introduce the notion of diameter diminishing to zero iterated function system, study its properties and provide alternative characterizations of it.

21. Assoc. Prof. dr. Ovidiu Bagdasar, University of Derby, United Kingdom
Data: Joi, 1 februarie 2024, ora 10:00, sala PI9

ABSTRACT. Dynamic geometry is primarily concerned with processes
defined in the complex plane, in which, starting from a given configuration F0 and a sequence of transformations (Tn)n≥0, one obtains the configuration Fn+1 by applying the transformation Tn to shape Fn, that is Fn+1=Tn(Fn). Several questions now arise: 

1) Can we find the exact shape after n iterations? 
2) Does the sequence (Fn)n≥0 converge to a fixed configuration? 
3) Does (Fn)n≥0 converge to a fixed shape? 
4) If convergent, can we identify the limit of (Fn)n≥0? 
5) Can we recover the initial configuration based on the configuration obtained after n steps the information on the iterations (Tn)n≥0, and?
These questions will be discussed in the context of simple but surprising triangle iterations, like the dynamic geometries generated by Kasner triangles, the bisector triangle, or by cevians defined with points located on the power curve.