MACOS 2014

International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science
June 26-28 2014, Braşov, Romania

MACOS 2014

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science (MACOS 2014) which will be held in Braşov, Romania, between 26th -28th June, 2014. The conference is organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Transilvania University of Braşov, with the support of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania.
Braşov is located in the central part of the country and it is surrounded by Carpathian Mountains. The city is at 175 km north from Bucharest. Former medieval fortress, Braşov preserves a lot from the unique charm of those times. The main attractions are: Old City Hall, Council Square, Black Church, Citadel, First Romanian School etc. Other than Braşov city, Poiana Braşov (12 km), Predeal (27 km), Sinaia(45 km) and Bran Castle (30 km) represent important attractive areas for tourists.

Conference Topics

    • Real and Complex Analysis
    • Geometry
    • Algebra and Number Theory
    • Differential Equations and Mechanics
    • Approximation Theory
    • Probabilities and Statistics
    • Financial Mathematics
  • Computer Systems Organization
  • Modeling and Simulation
    • Networks
    • Software and its Engineering
    • Theory of Computation
    • Mathematics of Computing
    • Information Systems
    • Computing Methodologies
    • Security and Privacy
    • Applied Computing
  • Human- Centered Computing

Organizing Committee


Marius Păun,  Transilvania University of Braşov

Members (in alphabetic order)

Nicoleta David, Transilvania University of Braşov

Silviu Dumitrescu, Transilvania University of Braşov

Cristina Flaut, Ovidius University of Constanța

Ion Florea, Transilvania University of Braşov

Olivia Florea, Transilvania University of Braşov

Cristian Ida, Transilvania University of Braşov

Vlad Monescu, Transilvania University of Braşov

Ioana Plajer, Transilvania University of Braşov

Ovidiu Popescu, Transilvania University of Braşov

Dorina Răducanu, Transilvania University of Braşov

Lucian Sasu, Transilvania University of Braşov

Diana Savin, Ovidius University of Constanța

Livia Sângeorzan, Transilvania University of Braşov

Dragoș Sburlan, Ovidius University of Constanța

Gabriel Stan, Transilvania University of Braşov

Anca Vasilescu, Transilvania University of Braşov

Nicoleta Voicu, Transilvania University of Braşov

Plenary Speakers

Acad. prof. univ. dr. Ioan TOMESCU, Bucharest University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Romania

Dr. George ELEFTHERAKIS, University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, Thessaloniki, Greece

Prof. univ. dr. Adrian PETRUȘEL, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania